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We explore the effects of two kinds of competition on the cost of capital in the tax-exempt bond market: (1) competition among underwriters and (2) competition among issuers (mostly quasi-government special authorities). The first kind of competition - competitive versus negotiated bidding...
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In efforts to decrease emergency department (ED) crowding and health care costs, frequent users of ED services have been targeted for interventions to decrease their utilization. Previous studies have had different definitions for frequent users and have considered all frequent users as a...
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Romanian Abstract: Cercetarea are la bază un chestionar aplicat online, prin recurs la bazele de date cu medici ale Centrului de Cercetare și Dezvoltare Socială „Solidaritatea”,[1] la care s-a adăugat, cu valoare complementară, utilizarea canalelor de tip Facebook prin transmiterea...
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Policy refers to a broad guideline framed by the government for some desired changes in a state. Policy entrepreneurs are persons who strive to introduce desired changes in the policies and they work with various bodies to get the policies implemented. Policy entrepreneurship on the other hand...
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Government of Rajasthan spent 42% of state budget on social sector. Majority of this amount is use to provide social security safety net to the poor and poorest families living in outreach areas of the state through various social protection schemes. While increase in number of social protection...
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The Affordable Care Act (ACA) may be the most important health law statute in American history, yet much of the most prominent legal scholarship examining it has focused on the merits of the court challenges it has faced rather than delving into the details of its priority-setting provisions. In...
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In keeping with the Symposium theme, quot;The Mass Media's Influence on Health Law and Policy,quot; this essay is designed to share my experience using clips from three recent popular films as a method of enhancing coverage and discussion of legal and policy issues surrounding the private health...
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Patients in the United States are routinely undertreated for pain. This problem has been widely recognized and documented in medical literature. In a seminal medical study of end-of-life care, researchers found that 50% of all patients who died during hospitalization quot;experienced moderate or...
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Payers often assess the benefits of new drugs relative to costs for reimbursement purposes, but they frequently exclude some drugs' option-related benefits, reducing their reimbursement chances, and making them less attractive R&D investments. We develop and test a real options model of R&D...
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