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Default probability is a fundamental variable determining the credit worthiness of a firm and equity volatility … choosing different non parametric equity volatility estimators on default probability evaluation, when market microstructure … noise is considered. A general stochastic volatility framework with jumps for the underlying asset dynamics is defined …
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fluctuations of the volatility of the firm's market value of financial assets. The minimal version of the model depends on the …
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This paper proposes a machine learning approach to estimate physical forward default intensities. Default probabilities are computed using artificial neural networks to estimate the intensities of the inhomogeneous Poisson processes governing default process. The major contribution to previous...
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We present a stochastic simulation model for estimating forward-looking corporate probability of default and loss given default. We formulate the model in a discrete time frame, apply capital-budgeting techniques to define the relationships that identify the default condition, and solve the...
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The finance literature looks at a number of factors to explain risk premia in corporate debt, such as liquidity effects …
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volatility specifications and/or jumps.In the yield curve literature it is widely accepted that one-factor is not sufficient to …-factor stochastic volatility specification within the structural model of credit risk. One of the factors determines the correlation …-term returns and variance. The numerical tests reveal how the introduction of two volatility factors can generate a wide range of …
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values from empirical studies that volatility risk, together with deteriorating bond market liquidity, decrease both debt and …We present an integrated framework incorporating both exogenous liquidity risk in the secondary corporate bond market … and volatility risk in the dynamics of asset value in debt rollover models. Using an innovative theoretical approach we …
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We test whether a simple measure of corporate insolvency based on equity return volatility - and denoted as Distance to …
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In this study we develop a theoretical model for ultimate loss-given default in the Merton (1974) structural credit risk model framework, deriving compound option formulae to model differential seniority of instruments, and incorporating an optimal foreclosure threshold. We consider an extension...
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This paper introduces agent heterogeneity, liquidity, and endogenous default to a DSGE framework. Our model allows for … the economy. Due to liquidity and endogenous default, the transmission mechanism of shocks is well defined, and their …
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