Showing 11,181 - 11,190 of 11,273
As a proxy for a Pareto-efficient market economy, we adopt the two-party Nash Bargaining model featuring a qualitative bias in the treatment of the contributions of the parties. The Piketty inequality here is the share in total welfare accruing to the richer party over total welfare attained at...
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Böbrek hastalıklarının tedavisinde tercih edilen yöntem böbrek naklidir. Bir böbrek hastasına, yasal olarak sınırlandırılmış yakınlıktaki aile üyelerinden ya da organlarını bağışlamış kadavra donörlerden böbrek nakli yapılabilir. Hastanın, aile üyesi canlı donör...
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This paper explores situations where tenants in public houses, in a specific neighborhood, are given the legislated right to buy the houses they live in or can choose to remain in their houses and pay the regulated rent. This type of legislation has been passed in many European countries in the...
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In this paper we give a survey of recent works on game theory devoted to modeling of decision making process under bounded rationality. An agent's deviation from rational choice understood as maximization of gain can be caused by moral principles (religious beliefs, altruism, patriotism),...
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Based on recent developments in non-cooperative coalitional bargaining theory, I review game theoretical analyses of cooperation and institution. The first part presents basic results of the random-proposer model and applies them to the problem of involuntary unemployment in a labor market....
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We study estimation and non-parametric identification of preferences in two-sided matching markets using data from a single market with many agents. We consider a model in which preferences of each side of the market are vertical, utility is non-transferable and the observed matches are pairwise...
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A tanulmány célja az értékpapírok esetében leggyakrabban alkalmazott két aukciós eljárás (az egyenáras és a diszkriminatív áras aukció) összehasonlító elemzése. A szakirodalom elsősorban az aukció várható bevétele szempontjából elemzi a módszereket. Az elméleti...
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Bevezetünk egy dinamikus alkujátékot, amelyben az idő múlásával a felek az üzletkötés (adásvétel) értékét felfedő, hitelesíthető bizonyítékokra tehetnek szert, és amelyeket alkupartnerüknek kiadhatnak vagy előle eltitkolhatnak. Egyensúlyban a felek a számukra előnyös...
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Many decisions in different fields of application have to take into account the joined effects of two elements that can interfere with each other. For example, in Industrial Economics the demand of an asset can be influenced by the supply of another asset, with synergic or antagonistic effects....
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In his classic article "An Essay on Bargaining" Schelling (1956) argues that ignorance might actually be strength rather than weakness. We test and confirm Schelling's conjecture in a simple take-it-or-leave bargaining experiment where the proposer can choose between two possible offers. Option...
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