Showing 91 - 100 of 239
A key challenge in modeling technological innovation is to predict future costs based on historical data. This is of great interest to academics, as well as decision makers both in the private and public sectors. For example, many corporate strategies, industry roadmaps, and government policies...
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We develop an agent-based simulation of the catastrophe insurance and reinsurance industry and use it to study the problem of risk model homogeneity. The model simulates the balance sheets of insurance firms, who collect premiums from clients in return for insuring them against intermittent,...
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Desarrollamos un modelo basado en agentes para estudiar el impacto de experimentos de política macroprudencial sobre los principales indicadores del mercado inmobiliario del Reino Unido. La naturaleza heterogénea de este modelo nos permite evaluar el efecto de tales experimentos sobre los...
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This paper analyzes correlations in patterns of trading of different members ofthe London Stock Exchange. The collection of strategies associated with a memberinstitution is defined by the sequence of signs of net volume traded by that insti-tution in hour intervals. Using several methods we...
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We develop a behavioral model for liquidity and volatility based on empirical regularities in trading order flow in the London Stock Exchange. This can be viewed as a very simple agent based model in which all components of the model are validated against real data. Our empirical studies of...
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In this article we revisit the classic problem of tatonnement in price formation from a microstructure point of view, reviewing a recent body of theoretical and empirical work explaining how fluctuations in supply and demand are slowly incorporated into prices. Because revealed market liquidity...
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We investigate the random walk of prices by developing a simple model relating the properties of the signs and absolute values of individual price changes to the diffusion rate (volatility) of prices at longer time scales. We show that this benchmark model is unable to reproduce the diffusion...
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It is widely believed that fluctuations in transaction volume, as reflected in the number of transactions and to a lesser extent their size, are the main cause of clustered volatility. Under this view bursts of rapid or slow price diffusion reflect bursts of frequent or less frequent trading,...
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Recent empirical studies have demonstrated long-memory in the signs of orders to buy or sell in financial markets. We show how this can be caused by delays in market clearing. Under the common practice of order splitting, large orders are broken up into pieces and executed incrementally. If the...
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Do boundedly rational players learn to choose equilibrium strategies as they play a game repeatedly? A large literature in behavioral game theory has proposed and experimentally tested various learning algorithms, but a comparative analysis of their equilibrium convergence properties is lacking....
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