Showing 1 - 10 of 343
Many successful recommendation approaches rely on the optimization of a single objective function for a single stakeholder (i.e., the customer) based on customer-product interaction records. In this paper, we argue that for two-sided marketplaces such as music streaming platforms, it is more...
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Investigates the information needs of marketers on the WWW for consumer analysis purposes, and examines how these can be met. Begins by briefly highlighting the attractiveness of the Web as a medium for communication. Next, summarizes the bases for consumer analysis and segmentation in the...
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A software specification language Templar is defined in this article. The development of thelanguage was guided by the following objectives: requirements specifications written in Templarshould have a clear syntax and formal semantics, should be easy for a systems analyst to developand for an...
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We advocate the use of temporal logic instead of the first-order logic in rules ofknowledge-based simulation systems. We argue that this provides several advantagesthat will be discussed in the paper. We show how temporal logic is used in simulationby considering language PTL based on temporal...
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We define a temporal algebra that is applicable to anytemporal relational data model supporting discrete linearbounded time. This algebra has the five basicrelational algebra operators extended to the temporaldomain and an operator of linear recursion. Weshow that this algebra has the expressive...
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A method of adding time to active databases is described in this paper. This is achievedby incorporating operators of temporal logic, temporal actions, and different temporal clausesinto the Event-Condition-Action model of a rule. In addition, a temporal recognize-act cycleis described and new...
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Numerous proposals for extending the relational data model to incorporate the temporaldimension of data have appeared in the past several years. These proposals have differedconsiderably in the way that the temporal dimension has been incorporated both into thestructure of the extended relations...
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Techniques for analysis and validation of software requirements specifications written in theknowledge representation language Templar are presented. Templar specifications are analyzedin terms of ambiguity, non-minimality, contradiction, incompleteness, and redundancy. SinceTemplar is a...
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A software specification language Templar is defined. The language is based on temporallogic and on the Activity-Event-Condition-Activity model of a rule which is an extension ofthe Event-Condition-Activity model in active databases. The language supports a rich setof modeling primitives,...
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