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Following the global financial crisis, the European financial safety net, under which taken at European level steps to fully harmonize deposit guarantees, has been modified. The European deposit guarantee scheme is now an important part of the financial puzzle in the area of managing the...
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We analyze the impact of the announcement of the banking union on stock market returns of euro area banks against the backdrop of three commonly held views of the banking union. We document positive individual abnormal returns for most banks. Abnormal returns are large and positive on average,...
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We characterize policy interventions directed to minimize the cost to the deposit guarantee scheme and the taxpayers of banks with legacy problems. Non-performing loans (NPLs) with low and risky returns create a debt overhang that induces bank owners to forego profitable lending opportunities....
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Conceived in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis, bail-in is the principal innovation of recent times in the area of bank crisis management. Bail-in enables a country’s banking authorities to force a failing bank’s immediate claimholders (specifically, its shareholders and certain, but...
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This paper distils three lessons for bank regulation from the experience of the 2009-12 euro-area financial crisis. First, it highlights the key role that sovereign debt exposures of banks have played in the feedback loop between bank and fiscal distress, and inquires how the regulation of...
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The directives and regulations on banking crisis management approved in the years 2013-2014 established inflexible limits on the use of public financial resources. This political choice of the European legislature could cause administrative authorities to find themselves with their hands tied in...
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The article explores the legislative and regulatory responses to the global financial crisis, from a US-EU comparative perspective, focusing on the measures dealing with banks' and financial intermediaries' distress. A dual-stage approach in both legal systems is identified: the first, aiming to...
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The present study examines the impact of the current fiscal crisis in the euro area on the Greek banking system and the measures adopted to preserve its stability. It is divided into 3 Sections:(a) Section 1 contains an overview of the causes of the recent (2007-2009) international financial...
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While the first two pillars of the Banking Union, a Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and a European Resolution Mechanism (SRM) have been realized rather smoothly, the realization of the third pillar, a European Deposit Insurance System (EDIS), proves a bigger challenge. Already in November...
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The international financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 exposed some crucial deficiencies in the European deposit protection arrangements as set out in the 1994 Directive. The recent financial turmoil once again highlighted the importance of deposit protection to contribute to financial stability...
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