Showing 287,711 - 287,720 of 307,847
When a cooperative goes bankrupt, its members often lose more than their paid-in capital. Members might be subject to personal liability, and may lose other benefits tied to membership, such as employment, benefits as a consumer or supplier, or housing at a lower price. We find that cooperatives...
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According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term capitalism refers to: “The possession of capital or wealth; an economic system in which private capital or wealth is used in the production or distribution of goods and prices are determined mainly in a free market; the dominance of private...
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Which is the tighter constraint on private sector investment: weak property rights or limited access to external finance? From a survey of new firms in post-communist countries, we find that weak property rights discourage firms from reinvesting their profits, even when bank loans are available....
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How does international competition originating from low-wage countries affect domestic financing capacity of firms in high-wage countries? In this article, we use China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a quasi-natural experiment to investigate the effects of trade-induced...
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During recent years, an increasing number of corporations have decided to raise external capital via markets for hybrid securities. Hybrid securities share characteristics of common stock and straight debt and appear in different forms, such as convertible debt, mandatory convertibles or...
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Einführung -- Eigenkapitalinvestoren – Wie stark sie die Unternehmensstrategie beeinflussen -- Fremdkapital – Wie sich …Die gegenwärtige Krise auf den internationalen Kredit- und Kapitalmärkten stellt Unternehmenslenker und Finanzmanager …
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Einführung -- Finanzwirtschaftliche Grundlagen -- Grundlagen zur Bilanzierung und Offenlegung -- Darstellung im Abschluss -- Risikoberichterstattung -- Herkömmliche Bilanzierung und Offenlegung einzelner Sachverhalte -- Bilanzierung und Offenlegung einzelner Sicherungsbeziehungen -- Ausblick.
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Notwendigkeit und Formen der Bankenregulierung -- Theoretische Erkenntnisse zur Marktdisziplinierung von Banken durch Fremdkapitalgeber -- Empirische Befunde zur Marktdisziplinierung von Banken durch Fremdkapitalgeber -- Disziplinieren gesicherte Fremdkapitalgeber deutsche Sparkassen? --...
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Introduction to Capital Equipment Purchasing.- Characterisation of Capital Equipment.- Characterisation of Capital Equipment Purchasing -- Typical Challenges and Possible Solutions in the Procurement of Capital Equipment -- Process for the Procurement of Capital Equipment.- Instruments and...
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