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to employment growth, but are also pronounced for investment. Moreover, the medium-term decline in firm employment growth …
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I construct an infinite-horizon dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with a collateral constraint and actual default in equilibrium. Entrepreneurs borrow from households through non-recourse debt contracts backed by capital goods. By taking into account the non-linear payoffs of the...
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debt, and earnings ratio, determine the optimal choice of leverage and maturity. The model assumes that debt pays a regular … flow of interests, allows the firm to rebalance its optimal capital structure at maturity issuing new debt at par, links …
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. However, using a simple two-period model with zero coupon debt and default possible only at maturity, ADHP prove two startling … contentions using an alternative model of debt, with rollover at a proportional rate m and average maturity = 1/m, introduced in … Leland (1994a). We show that when the average maturity of debt is substantially longer than 5 years, considerable further …
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. However, using a simple two-period model with zero coupon debt and default possible only at maturity, ADHP prove two startling … contentions using an alternative model of debt, with rollover at a proportional rate m and average maturity = 1/m, introduced in … Leland (1994a). We show that when the average maturity of debt is substantially longer than 5 years, considerable further …
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Corporate debt maturity is a concave function of financial leverage when the debt has restrictive asset-based covenants …) to reduce the probability of covenant violation. We also find that maturity-leverage concavity is reduced when executive …
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negative effects of PU on debt maturity and leverage are more pronounced for firms with greater investment reversibility and a …This study investigates the effects of political uncertainty (PU) on corporate debt maturity and leverage using a novel … measure of firm-specific PU. We find that PU is negatively associated with debt maturity and leverage. Furthermore, the …
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We build a dynamic capital structure model to study the link between systematic risk exposure and debt maturity, as … the maturity structure. Relative to short-term debt, long-term debt is less prone to rollover risks, but its illiquidity … favour longer debt maturity, as well as a more stable maturity structure over the business cycle. Pro-cyclical debt maturity …
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This study re-examines the impact of asset maturity on debt maturity choices. The pertinent literature suffers from the … fact that asset maturity typically is hard to observe. In this paper we exploit the fact that for energy utilities asset … maturity can directly be measured. Using a sample of 193 energy utility companies in the period 2002 to 2009 we first show that …
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I develop a dynamic capital structure model in which shareholders determine a firm's leverage ratio, debt maturity, and … all the firm's cash flows and can pick a new capital structure. The possibility to alter the capital structure at maturity … gives shareholders the incentive to issue finite maturity debt and allows me to study firms' joint choice of leverage and …
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