Showing 151 - 160 of 63,239
This article deals with the issue of banking and borrowing in the context of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) by attempting to provide a policy-oriented unifying theoretical framework. After describing the main features of the EU ETS, the core part of the article consists of...
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This article studies the price relationships between EU emissions allowances (EUAs) - valid under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) - and secondary Certified Emissions Reductions (sCERs) - established from primary CERs generated through the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism...
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The Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) constrains industrial polluters to buy/sell CO2 allowances depending on a regional depolluting objective of -8% of CO2 emissions by 2012 compared to 1990 levels. Companies may also buy carbon offsets from developing countries, funding emissions cuts there...
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This paper investigates empirically the effect of market regulation and renewable energy policies on innovation activity in different renewable energy technologies. For the EU countries and the years 1980 to 2007, we built a unique dataset containing information on patent production in eight...
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Vingt ans après la Conférence de Rio (1992) un constat d’échec s’impose à tous sur le front de la lutte contre les changements climatiques induits par l’activité humaine. Nous ne pourrons pas échapper à un dérèglement grave du climat,en partie déjà amorcé, si nous continuons de...
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We investigate the effectiveness of policies in favor of innovation in renewable energy under different levels of competition. Using information regarding renewable energy policies, product market regulation and high-quality green patents for OECD countries since the late 1970s, we develop a...
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This paper carries out a comprehensive analysis of renewable energy innovations considering four mechanisms suggested by innovation models: 1. policy-inducement; 2. market structure; 3. demand and social cohesion- mainly proxied by income inequality; 4. characteristics of country knowledge base....
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The allocation or assignment of the emissions permits is one of the most contentious elements of the design of cap-and-trade systems In this paper we develop a detailed representation of the U.S. western electricity market to assess the potential impacts of various permit allocation proposals....
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We estimate the potential synergy between pollution and climate control in the U.S. and China, summarizing the results as emissions cross-elasticities of control. In both countries, ancillary carbon reductions resulting from SO2 and NOx control tend to rise with the increased stringency of...
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Von den möglichen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels wird eine Vielzahl gesellschaftlicher Bereiche betroffen sein, wobei dem Energiesektor dabei gesamtgesellschaftlich eine große Bedeutung zukommt. Zum einen ist die Energieinfrastruktur eine sogenannte Kritische Infrastruktur, denn ihr Ausfall...
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