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This paper proposes new centrality measures to characterise the 'key class', when agents in a network are sorted into … role-equivalent classes, such that its removal results in an optimal change in the network activity. The notion of role … theoretical applicability. Players in the network engage in a non-cooperative game with local payoff complementarities. We …
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I look at the equilibrium effects of homophily in network formation games having positive externalities. I show that … very weak preferences for network effects (such as preference for being part of a clique) may result in very high levels of … homophily at equilibrium. I present an empirical procedure that allows an evaluation of the role of network effects on the …
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Network structure has a significant role in determining the outcomes of many socioeconomic relationships, including the … antagonistic ones. In this paper we study a situation in which agents, embedded in a network, simultaneously play interrelated … bilateral contest games with their neighbors. Interrelatedness of contests induces complex local and global network effects. We …
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neighbors in the social network. The same activities often exert externalities that cumulate in "stocks" affecting agents … network of social relations, as agents display strategic substitution with distance-two neighbors. We show that behavior is … behavior and key-players tend to move to the periphery of the network, and we discuss the effect of close-knit communities and …
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own experimentation, so total information decreases with network density; we determine density thresholds below which … agents asymptotically learn the state. In contrast, agent welfare is single-peaked in network density, and achieves a second …
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many well-known results from the contest literature can be obtained by varying the structure of the network. Our framework …
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We develop a model of social preferences for network games and study its predictions in a local public goods game with … a property of the network structure: neighborhood nestedness. This means that equilibrium selection succeeds in small …
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We provide an overview and synthesis of the literatures analyzing games in which players are connected via a network … structure. We discuss, in particular, the impact of the structure of the network on individuals' behaviors. We focus on game …
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in the context of a network formation game (where links can be interpreted as friendships in a social network … acquiring the information with others) through a percolation process over the equilibrium network. Privacy concerns are modeled …
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challenge, the Lightning Network (LN) is a protocol allowing two parties to secure bitcoin payments and escrow holdings between … cryptographically secured updates of collaterals. The network of channels increases transaction speed and reduces blockchain congestion …
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