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Sustainable use of land resources is at the core of the bioeconomy, and it is of central importance for development in the coming decades. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals reflect this aspect of development both directly and indirectly. Important global trends, such as a growing...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Настоящото изследване адаптира холистичен интердисциплинарен подход за анализ, оценка и усъвършенстване на системата за управление на услугите на...
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Enhancing environmental performance is a prospective way for increasing market inclusion, effectiveness and sustainability of small-scale farms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Nevertheless, with very few exceptions, there are no studies on forms, factors and efficiency of “eco-driven”...
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Transparency is often seen as a means of improving governance and accountability of investment, but its potential to do so is hindered by vague definitions and failures to focus on the needs of key local actors.In a new report focusing on agribusiness, forestry, and renewable energy projects...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Разработката е отчет от втори етап на научно-изследователски проект „Управление на услугите на агроекосистемите“, финансиран от Селскостопанска...
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The issue of understanding, analyzing and assessing the governance of ecosystem services in general, agro-ecosystem services in particular, is among the most topical academic and practical (policies and business forwarded) tasks. Despite the growing importance and interests in that new area, in...
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The issue of utilization of sludge from wastewater treatment in agriculture is an important socio-economic and environmental problem in the European Union and Bulgaria. Its significance is determined by the fact that the amount of sludge formed is constantly growing, as the annual amount of...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Въпросът за оползотворяване на утайките от пречистването на отпадъчни води в земеделието е важен социално-икономически и екологически проблем в...
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The region comprising North Africa and the Middle East is the driest in the world. Thus conflicts over water have been a part of the landscape. These conflicts over water are invariably seen as a zero sum game; such a view does not incorporate the notion that water is an economic good and is...
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This study is a part of the research project on “Eco-management in agriculture” funded by the Agricultural Academy with period of implementation 2013-2014. This report summarizes the results of the first year and includes: - state of the studies in the area; - theoretical and methodological...
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