Showing 97,621 - 97,630 of 98,407
External finance is central for nascent entrepreneurs, people in the process of starting new ventures. We argue that nascent entrepreneurs use patents and prototypes in order to signal their ability to appropriate the returns from their innovation as well as the project's feasibility. Our...
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This working paper addresses the question which dimensions of Ajzens (1988) Theory of Planned Behavior, named attitude towards start-up, perceived behavioral control and subjective norms can be used to explain the entrepreneurial intentions of business students. Furthermore we hypotheses an...
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Die Gründer junger innovativer Unternehmen sind die Initiatoren eines unternehmerischen Prozesses, der in die Entwicklung bedeutender Innovationen, Wachstumsimpulse und in die Schaf-fung neuer Arbeitsplätze münden kann. Zugleich wird die Sterblichkeit dieser jungen Unterneh-men in den ersten...
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In economies characterized by low labor demand and high rates of youth unemployment, entrepreneurship training has the potential to enable youth to gain skills and create their own jobs. This paper presents experimental evidence on a new entrepreneurship track that provides business training and...
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We develop a theory of innovation for entry and sale into oligopoly, and show that inventions of higher quality are more likely to be sold (or licensed) to an incumbent due to strategic product market effects on the sales price. Such preemptive acquisitions by incumbents are shown to stimulate...
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This paper applies the theory of finite Markov chains to analyse the demographic evolution of Belgian enterprises. While other methodologies concentrate on the entry and exit of firms, the Markov approach also analyses migrations between economic sectors. Besides helping to provide a fuller...
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A large number of new ventures in Germany are undertaken due to government aid. Withthe introduction of the “Ich-AG” or “me-plc” in January 2003, this share has increasedstrongly. Entrepreneurship research so far has said very little about the success and the determinantsof success of...
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E r f o l g r e i c h e i n n o v a t i v e Unternehmensgründungen s i n d eine w e s e n t l i cheQuelle für E r h a l t u n g und W e i t e r e n t w i c k l u n g o f f e n e r V o l k s w i r t sc h a f t e n . Es i s t deshalb n i c h t v e r w u n d e r l i c h , daß s i c h d i e w i r...
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Ein beachtlicher Teil der Personen, die sich nicht nur mit dem Gedanken ge-tragen haben, ein Unternehmen zu gründen, sondern bereits erste Schritte hin zur Unternehmensgründung unternommen haben, gibt diese Gründungspläne wieder auf oder verschiebt sie weiter in die Zukunft. Gemäß dem...
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Erfolgreiche Gründungsunternehmen zwingen etablierte Unternehmen zu In-novationsanstrengungen und Effizienzsteigerungen, sei es durch neue Pro-dukte und Dienstleistungen oder Produktionsprozesse. Damit treiben sie den strukturellen Wandel voran und steigern die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einer...
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