Showing 41,561 - 41,570 of 41,650
A cikk első része áttekintést ad a nonprofit szervezetek elszámoltathatóságának különböző megközelítéseiről és az elszámoltathatóságról folyó jó egy évtizedes nemzetközi vita hátteréről. Ennek során sajátos megvilágításba kerül a megbízó-ügynök elméletben,...
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Komplex döntési helyzetekben a döntési alternatívák többdimenziós értékelésére van szükség. A döntéshozó meghatározza az egyes alternatívák értékét a kitűzött célok megvalósítása szempontjából, emellett azonban tekintettel kell lennie az etikai normáknak való...
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The role of shareholders in modern capitalism should remember its historical roots. Legal analysis of the economic system is privileged in the paper. Corporation is the legal tool of modern capitalism; it introduces a liability limited to the stock held by shareholders. Paradoxically it may have...
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Although the resurgence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been described as the development of ‘markets for virtue’, little is known about the social construction of CSR markets. Prior works either focus on the economic potential of these markets or criticize the social...
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Die Rolle der Arbeitnehmervertreter im Aufsichtsrat wurde vielfach untersucht, sowohl theoretisch als auch empirisch. Studien zu den Effekten der Unternehmensmitbestimmung betrachten die Arbeitnehmervertreter im Aufsichtsrat dabei haeufig als „homogene Bank“ und ruecken deren Rolle als...
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In this article we attempt to contribute to governance research in the nonprofit area by proposing a conceptual framework inspired by recent developments in the literature. First, we analyze the governance of nonprofit organizations (hereafter, NPOs) from different theoretical perspectives,...
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Je turbulenter und dynamischer die Zeiten sind, desto groesser ist die Suche nach Sinn und Orientierung. Somit gewinnt auch das Thema Fuehrung eine besondere Bedeutung. Denn ein zeitgemaesses Verstaendnis von Fuehrung hat sich laengst davon verabschiedet, harte Anweisungen oder nur materielle...
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The Subjective Well-Being status has gained a growing research attention in social sciences during the last decades. The attention given by the academic world to this issue has been followed by the community in general. This line of research is still undeveloped in Portugal, and therefore needs...
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This paper focuses on a presentation of the conceptualization of a structural model that was developed to examine the impact of technology-enhanced learning and organizational learning on the business performance of some Slovenian companies with more than 50 employees. In accordance with the...
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The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationships between GLOBE organizational culture dimensions, facets of job satisfaction and the leader-member exchange relation in Serbian organizations. One of the most important aspects of this study was the demonstration of the utility of applying...
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