Showing 21 - 30 of 181
This article conducts a detailed analysis of the concept of economic dependence and exploitative abuse based on how their treatment in competition law and economics and their enforcement in European case law have evolved. Although the theoretical roots of these concepts lie in economic theory,...
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Fraud and misconduct in the financial market became in the recent years a key issue of regulation in the context of financial crisis. The paper investigates the French financial supervisor (Autorité des marchés financiers) sanctions policy and practices. It argues that the Autorité des...
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French Abstract: A l'heure où l'encadrement juridique des contrats de partenariats public-privé va connaître des évolutions majeures dans le cadre des transpositions des directives européennes marchés et concessions, cette contribution vise à inscrire ces montages dans une perspective...
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During the 1920s, two proposals for regulated competition competed in the United States. The first, inspired by trade associations, was advocated by Herbert Hoover. This approach echoes a managerialist view of coordinated competition under state support. The second - promoted by Justice Louis...
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The experience of the war economy during the First World War in the United States reinforced the influence of arguments in favour of managed competition. By extending the principles of scientific management to the economy as a whole, this approach aimed to coordinate firms through the exchange...
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In this article, we use a history of economic thought perspective to analyze the process by which the Chicago School of Antitrust emerged in the 1950s and became dominant in the US. We show the extent to which economic objectives and theoretical views shaped antitrust laws in their inception....
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Impulsée par la Commission européenne et prolongée par les Etats membres, la politique d’achats publics plus verts se traduit par l’insertion de critères environnementaux dans les marchés publics que cela soit en matière de sélection des candidats que de choix des offres. La commande...
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Les questions relatives à l’action des pouvoirs publics face aux délocalisations et à la défense des champions nationaux suivies par l’apparition dans le débat public des craintes de désindustrialisation de l’économie française ont remis sur le devant de la scène la question de la...
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The policy initiatives announced on both sides of the Atlantic to complement competition rules focus on two key dimensions: the contestability of markets on the one hand and fairness in their functioning on the other. The underlying idea is that the market positions of Big Tech would be...
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French Abstract: Si le recours à l’intelligence artificielle pour les algorithmes de prix, de recherche ou encore d’appariement génère des gains d’efficience dont bénéficient en premier lieu les consommateurs, les firmes doivent être conscientes que ces algorithmes peuvent générer...
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