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Eine auf Paarebene getroffene Entscheidung kann für die einzelnen Partner unterschiedliche Folgen haben, insbesondere in der mittleren bis langen Frist. Durch Spezialisierungsentscheidungen auf unbezahlte Care-Arbeit und den damit verbundenen Rückzug vom Arbeitsmarkt gehen vor allem Frauen...
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Two years ago, DIW Berlin introduced "Familienarbeitszeit", which offers wage replacement for families in which both partners decide to take on reduced full-time employment (working hours amounting to roughly 80 percent of a full-time job, henceforth referred to as "three-quarters employment")....
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Vor zwei Jahren hat das DIW Berlin das Modell der Familienarbeitszeit vorgestellt. Es sieht eine Lohnersatzleistung für Familien vor, in denen sich beide Partner für eine reduzierte Vollzeittätigkeit (etwa 80 Prozent einer Vollzeitstelle) entscheiden. Die vorliegende Studie entwickelt dieses...
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This paper examines evidence on the role of assimilation versus source country culture in influencing immigrant women's behavior in the United States – looking both over time with immigrants' residence in the United States and across immigrant generations. It focuses particularly on labor...
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Engaging in paid work is generally difficult for women in developing countries. Many women work unpaid in family businesses or on farms, are engaged in low-income self-employment activities, or work in low-paid wage employment. In some countries, vocational training or grants for starting a...
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The paper describes to which extent European welfare states support an individual adult worker model and how the current policy should be assessed in terms of gender equality. Although a more individual design of welfare policies is clearly recognizable, the paper also illustrates the large gap...
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The increased demand for a more equal parental sharing of the responsibilities for children has led many countries to reconstruct their parental leave systems so to provide stronger incentives for fathers to participate in childcare. Father's quotas are becoming widely spread across Europe. This...
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Umfragen zeigen, dass die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf für viele Eltern nach wie vor schwierig ist. Ein Großteil der Eltern wünscht sich eine gleichmäßigere Aufteilung von Familien- und Erwerbsarbeit. Finanzielle Gründe sprechen aber häufig für ein klassisches Ein- oder...
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Using data from the 1980, 1990, and 2000 US Census, I find little support for the opt-out revolution - highly educated women, relative to their less educated counterparts, are exiting the labor force to care for their families at higher rates today than in earlier time periods - if one focuses...
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Over the course of China's economic reforms, a pronounced divergence in the labor force participation patterns of rural and urban elders emerged – rural elders increased their rates of participation while urban elders reduced theirs. In this project, based on the data of the Chinese population...
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