Showing 34,971 - 34,980 of 40,064
protection: e-commerce privacy. In the United States, the privacy of participants engaged in e-commerce is largely unregulated by … government; instead, many commercial websites contract with third parties to establish privacy protection codes and certify to … Web surfers that the Web sites adhere to those codes. In the United Kingdom, on the other hand, e-commerce privacy is a …
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This paper explores friendship by analysing some of the characteristic differences in manners between the Germans and the English, from the end of the nineteenth century until the 1970s. During that time rules for introductions were a major if not the most prominent topic in English manners...
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Controlling access to data and information within organizations is an important concern today and also our aim. This paper is based on the concept of trust, which allows access control and control of actions that can be applied to data and information in documents held in computer systems....
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used for targeting requires some degree of privacy intrusion by advertisers. This sets up a tradeoff between the … informativeness of advertising and the degree of privacy intrusion. This paper summarizes recent empirical research that illuminates …
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The debate on whether insurance companies should be allowed to use results of individuals’ genetic tests for underwriting purposes has been both lively and increasingly relevant over the past two decades. Yet there appears to be no widely agreed upon resolution regarding appropriate and...
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Many transactions are now computer mediated, making it possible for sellers to condition their pricing on the history of interactions with individual consumers. This paper investigates conditions under which price conditioning will or will not be used. Our simplest model involves rational...
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: privacy and intellectual property. Each has been examined extensively in the last five years, since the Internet explosive …
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Protectia datelor personale reprezinta unul dintre cele mai actuale subiecte din domeniul cercetarilor de marketing, in general, si cel al cercetarilor in mediul online, in special. Principalele aspecte la care se refera articolul sunt urmatoarele: evolutia pe plan international a cercetarilor...
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