Showing 1 - 10 of 28
During the first decade of the 21st century, household FX loans spread in numerous countries in Central and Eastern Europe, where they caused serious macroeconomic and social problems with the spillover of the global financial crisis. Disregarding countries that joined the euro area, Hungary was...
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A globális pénzügyi válság és a mainstream közgazdaságtan utóbbi évtizedben látott, ehhez kapcsolódó botlásai láttán nehéz lenne cáfolni, hogy a közgazdászok nagy részének érdeklődési körén kívül eső, nem-gazdasági tényezők („non-economic factors”) figyelmen...
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Baksay Gergely – Matolcsy György – Virág Barnabás (szerk.) Új fenntartható közgazdaságtan Globális vitairat Magyar Nemzeti Bank, 2022
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2020 tavaszán érkezett meg Európába a koronavírus-járvány, ami a gazdasági aktivitás jelentős visszaesését okozta. Jelen tanulmány 25 európai ország esetében vizsgálja, hogy milyen összefüggések láthatók egyes országok makrogazdasági, sebezhetőségi, kitettségi...
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Gergely Baksay – György Matolcsy – Barnabás Virág (Ed.) New Sustainable Economics Global Discussion Paper Magyar Nemzeti Bank, 2022
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The coronavirus epidemic arrived in Europe in the spring of 2020, causing a significant slowdown in economic activity. The study examines the preparedness, vulnerability, exposure and performance of 25 European countries during the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 epidemic. Countries can...
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The global financial crisis that broke out in 2007–2008 substantively set back activity in the credit market. Several central banks reacted to this by implementing credit incentive programs. Based on the program parameters, our study evaluated 14 international and Hungarian credit incentive...
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The outbreak of the economic crisis in 2007–2008 changed the views about economic policy worldwide, in particular, the role, tasks and responsibility of monetary policy. Hungary was hit by the crisis in a particularly vulnerable state; therefore the aim of reducing external vulnerability was a...
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The outbreak of the financial and economic crisis in 2007–2008 put an end to the previous consensus on monetary policy. The effects of monetary policy on redistribution have come to the foreground; the modelling and transparency of central bank deci-sions now require the development of an...
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On May 26, 2011, the Research Institute of the State Audit Office of Hungary (RIHSAO) held an academic conference titled The Factors Determining the Macroeconomic Environment of the 2012 Budget. The objective of the confer-ence was to prepare the decision of the Fiscal Council due in the fall of...
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