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We examine the determinants of corporate speculation and challenge the extant, conflicting evidence. Separating risk management (reducing currency-specific FX exposure) from speculation (increasing or holding currency-specific FX exposure constant), we provide unprecedented evidence that...
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guide on FX hedging for small and medium enterprises. It should help a treasurer to setup and/or improve their FX hedging …
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This paper introduces a sparse and stable optimization approach for a multi-currency asset allocation problem. We study the benefits of joint optimization of assets and currencies as opposed to the standard industry practice of managing currency risk via so-called currency overlay strategies. In...
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optimal hedge ratio given the outcome of past hedging decisions and future expectations. The model implies that the optimal … 2015 and find strong evidence for the model's predictions. By adding a dynamic regret approach to the hedging and FX … literature we shed further light on the rationale behind selective hedging. …
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the optimal hedge ratio for a multi-national corporate that aims to minimize the cost of hedging at a given tolerance … level of expected loss arising out of FX movement. The paper illustrates both parametric and historical methods of VaR … of hedges, and condensation of the parameters governing hedging decision into a single, intuitively-appealing number. The …
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We introduce a novel currency risk measure based on American Depositary Receipts (ADRs). Using an augmented ADR pricing model, we exploit investors' exposure to potential devaluation losses to derive an indicator of currency risk. Using weekly data for a sample of 807 ADRs located in 21 emerging...
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the optimal hedge ratio in the case of hedging transaction risks with forwards is described. -- Currency Risk … ; Transaction Risk ; Currency Forwards ; Optimal Hedging …
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Operational hedging techniques such as risk sharing, currency collars, and a hybrid arrangement can be used when … transactions are subject to unexpected changes in the nominal exchange rate. These hedging devices utilise a risk sharing parameter …
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Contemporary corporate risk management with its diverse facets and categories commonly involves the usage of derivative … risk categories in terms of derivative usage are foreign exchange (FX) and interest rate (IR) risk. Empirical evidence in … these areas is rare and often relies on alternative indicators of derivative usage due to a limited availability of adequate …
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