Showing 121 - 130 of 751
Schon längere Zeit spielte Mieter mit dem Gedanken, sich ein eigenes Haus zu kaufen. Nichtzuletzt durch die Diskussion mit seinem Freund Rechner über den Inhalt einer Broschüre derPostbank (vgl. Breuer, 2002a) zum Vergleich der Vorteilhaftigkeit von Miete und Kauf einesEigenheims ließ sich...
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In general, individuals will be interested in consumption of goods with “original”prices denominated in various currencies. Traditional risk management is nominally orientedand typically neglects this differentiated consumption preferences of investors. We outline therelevance of a consumption...
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Der Rolle der Finanzfunktion in Unternehmen kommt in den letzten Jahren stetig steigendeBedeutung zu, der Finanzvorstand avanciert zum wichtigsten Ratgeber des Vorstandsvorsit-zenden.1 Als Auslöser für eine derartige Finance Transformation, das heißt die strategischePositionierung und...
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Using a hand-collected sample of contracts and investment proposals from German venturecapital (VC) financing relationships, we find that experienced and or private law/independentVC firms rely to a lesser degree on debt financing and more on certain covenants in VC con-tracting even when we...
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In this paper the relation between aggregate mutual fund flows and stock market returns isanalysed with respect to three issues. First, we study the relation between fund flows andlong-term realized returns (past, current and future). Second, we find out that fund flows arenot driven by...
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Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Position von Venture Capital-Gesellschaften im jeweili-gen Syndizierungsnetzwerk und analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen der Netz-werkposition der einzelnen Unternehmen und der Quantität und der Qualität der Investi-tionsgelegenheiten, die ihnen zur Verfügung...
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We examine a certain class of new financial instruments which are designed aslotteries on the outcome of prominent sports events like the Soccer World Cup 2006. We areable to explain why there might be a positive demand for such sports-related financialinstruments even if we take riskless...
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Our paper explores the role of time preferences on household debt maturity choice. Wefind that in countries where people are more patient in the long term, planning horizons in householddebt portfolios are significantly longer, as the optimal maturity of loans is considerably higher.The...
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We analyze the role of different kinds of primary and secondary market interventions for the government's goal to maximize its revenues from public bond issuances. Some of these interventions can be thought of as characteristics of a primary dealer system. After all, we see that a primary dealer...
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Based on a large international sample, we show how the decision-making power of CEOs in conjunction with prevailing institutional discretion relates to corporate resources allocated toward CSR strategy. First, especially with greater institutional discretion, powerful CEOs pursue exaggerated CSR...
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