Showing 1 - 10 of 181
US shale gas production is generally expected to continue its fast rise. However, a cautious evaluation is needed. Shale gas resource estimates are potentially overoptimistic and it is uncertain to which extent they can be produced economically. Moreover, the adverse environmental effects of...
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This paper derives a new effect of trade liberalisation on the quality of the environment. We show that in the presence of heterogeneous firms the aggregate volume of emissions is influenced not only by the long-established scale effect, but also by a reallocation effect resulting from an...
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In this paper we investigate the introduction of an export tax on steam coal levied by an individual country (Australia), or a group of major exporting countries. The policy motivation would be twofold: generating tax revenues against the background of improved terms-of-trade, while CO2...
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"The Paris Agreement is a monumental triumph for people and our planet" (UN News Centre, 2015). Statements, like this one from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, represent the global excitement shortly after the acceptance of the Paris Agreement and describe the outcome of the COP21 in December...
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Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. It is a global problem that has to be understood in the context of a globalising world with an increasing amount of goods being traded. This dissertation focuses on the interrelation between international trade and climate policies....
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Ein kurzer Name sorgt für eine anhaltende Debatte: TTIP [tiːtɪp]. Seit Beginn der Verhandlungen im Sommer 2013 trägt die mediale Berichterstattung über die geplante "Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership" zwischen der EU und den USA zur kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit der...
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A short name is causing a lasting debate: TTIP [ti:t]. Ever since the beginning of the negotiations in the summer of 2013, media coverage of the planned Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and the US has contributed to a critical debate on the topic. In doing so,...
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Erdgas gewinnt weltweit immer größere Bedeutung bei der Umstrukturierung und Dekarbonisierung von Energiesystemen. Es ist flächendeckend verfügbar und flexibel einsetzbar in Verstromung, Industrie, Verkehr und im Haushaltsbereich. Im Vergleich zu anderen fossilen Energieträgern wird bei...
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