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This study investigates the relationship between distinct types of inequality and CO2 emissions using panel data on 156 … that pre-distribution (inequality reduction by structural changes and social protection) is better aligned with the goal of … carbon emission reduction than redistribution (inequality reduction by transfers). However, those countries who contribute …
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Does a more unequal society emit more CO2? The nexus between carbon emissions and income inequality has been at the … document a positive association between income inequality, measured with five different indicators, and per capita carbon … emissions in highly tertiarized countries. In contrast, the relationship in non-service-intensive economies turns negative. We …
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The major greenhouse gases, CO2 and CH4, are uniformly mixing, but spatial inequalities in emissions do matter in terms …-country inequalities in emissions of three major atmospheric pollutants: CO2, SO2 and CH4 over the 1970-2008 period. Using Theil …-index decompositions, we show that within-country inequalities account for the bulk of global inequality, and tend to increase over the …
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metric for optimal carbon prices. Previous literature shows that inequality significantly influences the level of the social … cost of carbon, but mostly neglects a major source of inequality - heterogeneity in income below the national level. We … inequality between and within countries. In particular, we demonstrate that climate and distributional policy cannot be separated …
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This paper presents a novel way to disentangle inequality aversion over time from inequality aversion between regions … of inequality aversion. We use two integrated assessment models (FUND and RICE) for our numerical exercise to get more … robust findings. Our results suggest that inequality considerations lead to a higher (lower) SCC values in high (low) income …
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This paper presents a novel way to disentangle inequality aversion over time from inequality aversion between regions … of inequality aversion. We use two integrated assessment models (FUND and RICE) for our numerical exercise to get more … robust findings. Our results suggest that inequality considerations lead to a higher (lower) SCC values in high (low) income …
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emissions from production lead to output losses, and there is a technology for emissions absorption. We provide an aggregation … damage function. This result offers a simple rule to account for inequality in the design of climate policy. We show that … wealthier regions should bear more responsibility for carbon capture to cleanse the atmosphere, and that inequality per se does …
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The question of whether changes in income inequality affect CO2 emissions remains a topic of debate at both theoretical … distribution on consumptionbased CO2 emissions per capita. To do so, we estimate a dynamic difference-GMM model and a dynamic … analysis highlights how different income classes contribute very differently to consumption-based CO2 emissions. In addition …
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Limiting global warming in line with the goals in the Paris Agreement will require substantial technological and behavioural transformations. This challenge drives many of the current modelling trends. This article undertakes a review of 17 state-of-the-art recursive-dynamic computable general...
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Limiting global warming in line with the goals in the Paris Agreement will require substantial technological and behavioural transformations. This challenge drives many of the current modelling trends. This paper undertakes a review of 17 state-of-the-art recursive-dynamic computable general...
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