Showing 41 - 50 of 219
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We provide explorative insights on how farms which manage strong and successful growth affect farms in their neighbourhoods through spatial competition for land. The study is based on an exploratory analysis of repeated framed experiments within the business game FarmAgriPoliS (Appel & Balmann,...
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Since the research agenda on agroholdings and mega-farms was elaborated in the 2017 special issue of IFAMA, much has been learned about structure, performance and management of these farming systems. Despite doubts about the sustainability of these farming systems, they have evolved and even...
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Ernährungsarmut wird als Problem in Deutschland weitgehend vernachlässigt. Von materieller Ernährungsarmut betroffen sind Menschen, denen es aufgrund fehlender finanzieller Mittel nicht möglich ist, sich gesundheitsfördernd zu ernähren. Etwa 3,5 % der Bevölkerung (rund drei Millionen...
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Kurzstellungnahme der Wissenschaftlichen Beiräte für Agrarpolitik (WBA) und für Düngungsfragen (WBD) beim Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV) und des Sachverständigenrates für Umweltfragen der Bundesregierung (SRU) zur Novellierung der...
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Opinion of the Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy and of the Scientific Advisory Board on Fertiliser Issues respectively, at the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, as well as the German Advisory Council on the Environment, regarding the amendment of the...
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Die Art und Weise, wie wir uns ernähren, beeinflusst wesentlich unseren individuellen Gesundheitsstatus, unsere Lebensqualität und unser Wohlbefinden. Viele Lebensmittel tragen einen großen sozialen, umwelt-, klima- und tierschutzbezogenen Fußabdruck. Politik für nachhaltigere Ernährung...
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For quite some time long-only index funds have been suspected of being responsible for price increases in agricultural futures markets. This suspicion has prompted demands to drastically limit long-only index funds' scope of activity. Such demands and their underlying diagnoses, however,...
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During the last two decades an increasing amount of large-scale farming operations have emerged all over the world: from (Eastern) Europe, to South America, China and the countries of the Former Soviet Union. These agribusinesses go under the name of mega-farms or agroholdings: horizontally or...
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Economic development of transition and developed countries is associated with increasingly unhealthy dietary habits among low-income population segments. Drawing on Ulrich Beck’s sociological theory of risk society, the present research note calls attention to the positive relation between...
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