Showing 51 - 60 of 10,621
Food crises triggered by high prices had been experienced in agricultural markets in the past. However, the current state of agricultural markets has raised a lot of concerns to policy makers, media, the public and all stakeholders. This is against the background of the fact that only a selected...
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The issue of utilization of sludge from wastewater treatment in agriculture is an important socio-economic and environmental problem in the European Union and Bulgaria. Its significance is determined by the fact that the amount of sludge formed is constantly growing, as the annual amount of...
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We review the literature on the distribution of farm sizes in sub-Saharan Africa, trends over time, drivers of change in farm structure, and effects on agricultural transformation, and present new evidence for six countries. While it is widely viewed that African agriculture is dominated by...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Въпросът за оползотворяване на утайките от пречистването на отпадъчни води в земеделието е важен социално-икономически и екологически проблем в...
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Achieving diverse goals of sustainable development greatly depends on the specific socio-economic, institutional and natural environment in a particular country, industry, region, community, etc. Despite its importance, in Bulgaria, like in other East European countries, there are very few...
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Cash transfers successfully alleviate poverty in many developing countries. South Africa is a case in point, implementing one of the largest unconditional cash transfer programmes internationally, and with substantial benefits to household well-being along multiple dimensions. Yet, grants...
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Productivity and efficiency are key performance indicators of improved seeds. Efficiency differences explain part of the variation in productivity. Improved seeds may affect efficiency because farmers often do not apply inputs at optimum. Improved seeds therefore not only directly affect...
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The relationship between agricultural support policies (adapted from the OECD Producer Support Estimate (PSE) classification) and a selection of environmental impacts are analysed in a range of country settings, using a farm-level and a market-level model. Based on the methods and environmental...
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Die flächenbezogenen Direktzahlungen der ersten Säule der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) stellen den größten Teil der öffentlichen Mittel an die aktiven Landwirte dar. Im Jahr 2016 beliefen sich diese Zahlungen für Deutschland auf 4,84 Mrd. Euro. Pro Hektar werden somit jährlich ewa 280...
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Anknüpfend an eine Untersuchung aus dem Jahr 2015 werden die Zahl und die bewirtschaftete Fläche landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen, deren Kapitalanteile mehrheitlich in der Hand überregional aktiver Investoren sind, sowie die Zahl von Übernahmen durch solche Investoren im Zeitraum 2007 bis...
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