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climate-related physical risks with a global Input-Output model. More specifically, climate-related GDP-at-risk data are used …-sectors around the world becomes observable. The findings suggest that direct GDP loss estimates can severely underestimate the … ultimate impact of physical risk because trade can lead to losses that are up to 30 times higher in the EA than what looking at …
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temperature leads to a 12% decline in world GDP. Global temperature shocks correlate much more strongly with extreme climatic …
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; (iii) a novel set of climate-specific models to capture the direct and indirect transmission channels of climate risk …
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economies in 35 sectors from 1995 to 2009 based on the World Input-Output Database (WIOD) database and show how they help us to …
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This paper shows that unilateral decarbonization pays for itself in large economies. We estimate economic damages from global temperature shocks and combine them with a climate-economy model to construct Domestic Costs of Carbon: $226 per ton for the United States and $216 per ton for the...
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Funding a response to climate change after Kyoto will require another look at both burden sharing and funding mechanisms. After reviewing the risks of cap-and-trade with carbon offsets and the advantages of a harmonized carbon tax, a method is proposed to utilize a harmonized carbon price to...
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Financing a proper response to climate change after Kyoto will require another look at both burden sharing and funding mechanisms. After describing the risks of cap-and-trade with carbon offsets and the advantages of a harmonized carbon tax, a method is proposed to utilize a globally harmonized...
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As climate change intensifies, countries experience varying degrees of vulnerability and resilience that influence their capacity to withstand and recover from environmental, economic, and social shocks. This study introduces the Multidimensional Vulnerability and Lack of Resilience Index...
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distributional effect of disaster risk. The model features two kinds of households and a fiscal authority. We show that disaster risk …. Importantly, we observe a significant rise in sovereign debt due to disaster risk, which poses a challenge to policymakers. Lastly …
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Climate policy pledges and negotiations involve commitments about the reduction of emissions within national borders. However, the rise of global value chains has changed the nature of production and international trade, blurring the attribution of ultimate responsibility for emissions. This...
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