Showing 31 - 40 of 242
This paper analyzes the relationship between reproductive empowerment and individual mental well-being by exploiting a unique set of questions from the 2003 Bolivian Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). It analyzes whether women who lack reproductive empowerment, measured here by undesired...
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Los estudiantes chilenos presentan bajo rendimiento en pruebas internacionales de aprendizaje, y la brecha de desempeño entre grupos de ingreso es grande. Para remediar esta situación, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo está apoyando el programa Enseña Chile, que recluta graduados...
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Los lineamientos sectoriales para educación indican que el principal reto educativo que enfrenta la Región son bajos y desiguales aprendizajes, y proponen cinco áreas prioritarias para la acción del Banco en el sector de educación en los próximos años: 1. Mejorar los servicios educativos...
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The Sector Guidelines for Education identify the poor and unequal learning outcomes as the Region's main educational challenge, and proposes five priority areas for Bank's involvement in the education sector in the next years: 1. Improving educational services for Early Childhood Development 2....
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Chile presenta una de las brechas de aprendizaje más amplias entre estudiantes de altos y bajos ingresos. Enseña Chile, la primera adaptación en América Latina del exitoso modelo Teach for America, tiene por objeto eliminar la desigualdad educativa al reclutar a jóvenes profesionales...
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Chilean students perform poorly in international learning assessments, and the achievement gap between income groups is large. To remedy this situation, the Inter-American Development Bank is supporting a program, Enseña Chile, that recruits top university graduates and places them for two...
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This study attempts to quantify female teenage sexual activity, pregnancy, and motherhood in Bolivia using the most recent Demographic and Health Survey. Descriptive results suggest that teenage sexual activity, pregnancy, and childbearing are more prevalent among those adolescents who are more...
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An outstanding challenge in education is improving learning among low-achieving students. We present results from the first randomized experiment of an inquiry-based remedial science-education program for low-performing elementary students in the setting of a developing country. At 48 low-income...
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This study attempts to quantify female teenage sexual activity, pregnancy, and motherhood in Bolivia using the most recent Demographic and Health Survey. Descriptive results suggest that teenage sexual activity, pregnancy, and childbearing are more prevalent among those adolescents who are more...
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