A batching-move iterated local search algorithm for the bin packing problem with generalized precedence constraints
Year of publication: |
1-15 November 2017
Authors: | Kramer, Raphael ; Dell'Amico, Mauro ; Iori, Manuel |
Published in: |
International journal of production research. - London : Taylor & Francis, ISSN 0020-7543, ZDB-ID 160477-6. - Vol. 55.2017, 21 (1/15.11.), p. 6288-6304
Subject: | bin packing | assembly line balancing | generalised precedence constraints | iterated local search | batching moves | Theorie | Theory | Heuristik | Heuristics | Packproblem | Packing problem | Algorithmus | Algorithm | Fließfertigung | Assembly-line production | Scheduling-Verfahren | Scheduling problem |
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