A copula sample selection model for predicting multi-year LGDs and Lifetime Expected Losses
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Krüger, Steffen ; Oehme, Toni ; Rösch, Daniel ; Scheule, Harald |
Published in: |
Journal of empirical finance. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, ISSN 0927-5398, ZDB-ID 1158263-7. - Vol. 47.2018, p. 246-262
Subject: | Continuous time-to-default | IFRS 9 and CECL | Lifetime Expected Loss | Loss Given Default | Multi-period | Term structure | Theorie | Theory | IFRS | Kreditrisiko | Credit risk | Prognoseverfahren | Forecasting model | Verlust | Loss | Erwartungsbildung | Expectation formation | Zinsstruktur | Yield curve | Multivariate Verteilung | Multivariate distribution | Stichprobenerhebung | Sampling |
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