A DSGE-VAR model for forecasting key South African macroeconomic variables
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Gupta, Rangan ; Steinbach, Rudi |
Published in: |
Economic modelling. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, ISSN 0264-9993, ZDB-ID 86824-3. - Vol. 33.2013, p. 19-33
Subject: | Bayesian methods | Macroeconomic forecasting | New Keynesian DSGE | Small open economy | Vector autoregressions | VAR-Modell | VAR model | Prognoseverfahren | Forecasting model | Südafrika | South Africa | Bayes-Statistik | Bayesian inference | Kleine offene Volkswirtschaft | Dynamisches Gleichgewicht | Dynamic equilibrium | Neoklassische Synthese | Neoclassical synthesis | Wirtschaftsprognose | Economic forecast | Theorie | Theory | Makroökonomik | Macroeconomics |
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