A fractional Brownian-Hawkes model for the Italian electricity spot market : estimation and forecasting
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Giordano, Luca M. ; Morale, Daniela |
Published in: |
The journal of energy markets. - London : Infopro Digital, ISSN 1756-3607, ZDB-ID 2428804-4. - Vol. 14.2021, 3, p. 65-109
Subject: | energy markets | Hawkes model | fractional Brownian motion | stochastic modeling and forecasting | Italian spot prices | Italien | Italy | Stochastischer Prozess | Stochastic process | Spotmarkt | Spot market | Prognoseverfahren | Forecasting model | Energiemarkt | Energy market | Theorie | Theory | Strompreis | Electricity price | Zeitreihenanalyse | Time series analysis | Elektrizitätswirtschaft | Electric power industry | Schätzung | Estimation |
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