A globally and universally stable quantity adjustment process for an exchange economy with price rigidities
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Herings, P.J.J. |
Institutions: | Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research |
Subject: | Equilibrium Theory | market economy | Prices | econometrics |
Equilibrium adjustment of disequilibrium prices
Talman, Dolf, (1994)
Quantity Constrained Equilibria
Talman, Dolf, (2001)
Khokhlov, M. A., (2014)
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A Note on "Stability of Tâtonnement Processes of Short Period Equilibria with Rational Expectations"
Herings, P.J.J., (1997)
Intersection theorems with a continuum of intersection points
Talman, Dolf, (1994)
A note on "macroeconomic policy in a two-party system as a repeated game"
Herings, P.J.J., (1993)
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