A multi-objective genetic algorithm for a bi-objective facility location problem with partial coverage
Year of publication: |
April 2016
Authors: | Karasakal, Esra ; Silav, Ahmet |
Published in: |
Top : transactions in operations research. - [Berlin] : Springer, ISSN 1134-5764, ZDB-ID 1205918-3. - Vol. 24.2016, 1, p. 206-232
Subject: | Multi-objective genetic algorithm | Facility location | Maximal coverage | Partial coverage | P-center | Evolutionärer Algorithmus | Evolutionary algorithm | Betriebliche Standortwahl | Firm location choice | Multikriterielle Entscheidungsanalyse | Multi-criteria analysis | Mathematische Optimierung | Mathematical programming | Standorttheorie | Location theory |
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