A neural network approach to the environmental Kuznets curve
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Bennedsen, Mikkel ; Hillebrand, Eric ; Jensen, Sebastian |
Published in: |
Energy economics. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, ISSN 0140-9883, ZDB-ID 795279-X. - Vol. 126.2023, p. 1-19
Subject: | Panel data | Machine learning | Climate econometrics | Consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions | Environmental Kuznets curve | Neural networks | Production-based carbon dioxide emissions | Treibhausgas-Emissionen | Greenhouse gas emissions | Environmental Kuznets Curve | Neuronale Netze | Umweltbelastung | Pollution | Theorie | Theory | Luftverschmutzung | Air pollution | Welt | World | Panel | Panel study | Nationaleinkommen | National income | Künstliche Intelligenz | Artificial intelligence | Wirtschaftswachstum | Economic growth |
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