A Salience Theory of Choice Errors
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Manzini, Paola ; Mariotti, Marco |
Institutions: | School of Economics and Finance, University of St. Andrews |
Subject: | Discrete choice | Random utility | Logit model | Consideration sets | bounded rationality |
A salience theory of choice errors
Manzini, Paola, (2010)
Stochastic choice and consideration sets
Manzini, Paola, (2012)
Stochastic Choice and Consideration Sets
Manzini, Paola, (2013)
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Stochastic Choice and Consideration Sets
Manzini, Paola, (2013)
Imperfect Attention and Menu Evaluation
Manzini, Paola, (2013)
A Case of Framing Effects: The Elicitation of Time Preferences
Manzini, Paola, (2014)
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