A simple derivation of Prelec’s probability weighting function
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Dhami, Sanjit ; al-Nowaihi, Ali |
Institutions: | Department of Economics, Leicester University |
Subject: | Decision making under risk | Prelec’s probability weighting function | Compound invariance | Reduction invariance | Power invariance | Prospect theory | Algebraic functional equations |
Extent: | application/pdf |
Series: | |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Notes: | Number 05/20 |
Classification: | C60 - Mathematical Methods and Programming. General ; D81 - Criteria for Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty |
Source: |
Insurance and Probability Weighting Functions
Dhami, Sanjit, (2005)
The Behavioral Economics of Insurance
al-Nowaihi, Ali, (2010)
Composite Prospect Theory: A proposal to combine ‘prospect theory’ and ‘cumulative prospect theory’
al-Nowaihi, Ali, (2010)
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The Behavioral Economics of Crime and Punishment
Dhami, Sanjit, (2010)
The Behavioral Economics of Insurance
al-Nowaihi, Ali, (2010)
Optimal income taxation in the presence of tax evasion: Expected utility versus prospect theory
Dhami, Sanjit, (2007)
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