A stochastic dynamic model of trade and growth : convergence and diversification
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Chatterjee, Partha ; Shukayev, Malik |
Published in: |
Journal of economic dynamics & control. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, ISSN 0165-1889, ZDB-ID 717409-3. - Vol. 36.2012, 3, p. 415-432
Subject: | Economic growth | International trade | Heckscher-Ohlin | Stochastic growth theory | Convergence | Diversification | Incomplete markets | Risk | Wachstumstheorie | Growth theory | Wirtschaftswachstum | Wirtschaftliche Konvergenz | Economic convergence | Schätzung | Estimation | Diversifikation | Außenwirtschaftstheorie | International economics | Endogenes Wachstumsmodell | Endogenous growth model | Stochastischer Prozess | Stochastic process | Unvollkommener Markt | Incomplete market | Stochastisches Wachstumsmodell | Stochastic growth model | Exportinduziertes Wachstum | Export-led growth |
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