A Study Evaluation Model and Index System of Industrial Resource and Energy Consumption in Small Towns
Based on the principles of hierarchy, representativeness, operability and completeness, 10 indices are selected from 3 aspects of resource consumption, energy consumption and environmental emissions during small town development. Comprehensive evaluation index system for industrial source-energy saving and pollution reducing in small towns in constructed. According to the fuzzy mathematical method, qualitative calculation model of two-level hierarchical structure is constructed. Among them, the first-level model focuses on each specific evaluation index. It calculates the membership degree of region to resource-energy and pollution reducing in evaluation index set, and sorts the calculation results. The second-level model focuses on the first-level evaluation index set based on the sorting result. It calculates the membership degree of region to resource-energy saving and pollution reducing in the whole evaluation index system and sorts the calculation results. The weight of each evaluation indicator at each level is determined by analytic hierarchy process and information entropy method. Result shows that this model can be applied in quantitative and comprehensive measurement on industrial energy saving and pollution reducing degree in small towns. This model can help to judge the resource and energy consumption in different areas and industries, as well s the improvement of deteriation degree of environment emission.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Tong-sheng, Zhang |
Published in: |
Asian Agricultural Research. - USA-China Science and Culture Media Corporation. - Vol. 2.2010, 01
Publisher: |
USA-China Science and Culture Media Corporation |
Subject: | Small towns | Resource | Energy | Energy saving | Pollution reducing | China | Agribusiness |
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