Affine model of inflation-indexed derivatives and inflation risk premium
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Ho, Hsiao-wei ; Huang, Henry H. ; Yildirim, Yildiray |
Published in: |
European journal of operational research : EJOR. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, ISSN 0377-2217, ZDB-ID 243003-4. - Vol. 235.2014, 1 (16.5.), p. 159-169
Subject: | Inflation-indexed derivatives | Inflation risk premium | Affine models | Risikoprämie | Risk premium | Derivat | Derivative | Inflation | Zinsstruktur | Yield curve | Indexanleihe | Index-linked bond | Theorie | Theory | Inflationserwartung | Inflation expectations | Indexbindung | Indexation | Schätzung | Estimation | CAPM | Inflationsrate | Inflation rate |
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