Aggregate efficiency of industry and its groups : the case of Queensland public hospitals
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Bao Hoang Nguyen ; Zelenyuk, Valentin |
Published in: |
Empirical economics : a quarterly journal of the Institute for Advanced Studies. - Berlin : Springer, ISSN 1435-8921, ZDB-ID 1462176-9. - Vol. 60.2021, 6, p. 2795-2836
Subject: | Hospitals | Aggregate efficiency | Envelopment estimators | Bootstrap | Central limit theorems | Krankenhaus | Hospital | Technische Effizienz | Technical efficiency | Effizienz | Efficiency | Data-Envelopment-Analyse | Data envelopment analysis | Schätztheorie | Estimation theory | Bootstrap-Verfahren | Bootstrap approach |
Aggregate efficiency of industry and its groups : the case of Queensland public hospitals
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Simar and Wilson two-stage efficiency analysis for Stata
Badunenko, Oleg, (2018)
Neumann, Anne, (2016)
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Robust efficiency analysis of public hospitals in Queensland, Australia
Bao Hoang Nguyen, (2020)
Aggregate efficiency of industry and its groups : the case of Queensland public hospitals
Bao Hoang Nguyen, (2020)
Bao Hoang Nguyen, (2020)
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