Analisis Akuntansi Aset Tetap Pada PT. Agro Makmur Raya Medan.
In generally, every company have a purpose to create a maximum profit. One of some efforts that usually being used is by assets empowering properly, including fixed assets. Fixed assets means a part of the whole assets that company used in their operational and have lifetime more than one accounting periodic or more than one year.Every company spent a mount of money to invest fixed assets. The fixed assets are derived from one sources, such as : purchasing, own built up, exchange, etc. The fixed assets also need maintanance and repairing expenses, replacement of the new sparepart and other expenses that have corelation with the using of fixed assets.After considering about how to get and to use the fixed assets, another problem found of fixed assets treatment is the stopping of fixed assets used. The stopping of fixed assets used is done if the lifetime of fixed assets end. Based on the problem mentioned above, the writer is interest to do a reserach at PT. Agro Makmur Raya Medan with the title “ Analisis Akuntansi Aset Tetap Pada PT. Agro Makmur Raya Medan.”The purpose of this research is to get know wether the recording of fixed assets has done based on with the GAAP in Indonesia.The methodology which used is the descriptive method, that is how to record the fixed assets, the starting and the enclosing the fixed assets in the financial statement.The technic of data collection is done by observation, by direct observation to the object, that is PT. Agro Makmur Raya Medan, interview by doing ask and answer directly to the finance department, accounting department and general affair department, and documentation by analizing the records and documents that company have which have chosen as an object.Base on the research, we can conclude whether the accounting procedure of the fixed assets have been conduct by the company base on GAAP in Indonesia. And from the result of the research, it shows that the accounting procedure of the fixed assets has been suitable with PABUI, although there are some procedure has not done by the company yet, but the company attempt to make it perfect. In the future the company is suggested to follow the updating of the standard accounting procedure, so there won’t be any mistakes found any more because of the miss information of the standard of accounting procedure.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Donal Fredy Anthoni S |
Other Persons: | Jafar, Hotmal (contributor) |
Subject: | Akuntansi Aset Tetap | Prinsip-prinsip Akuntansi Berlaku Umum di Indonesia |
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