Analyzing and forecasting electricity price using regime-switching models : the case of New Zealand market
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Kapoor, Gaurav ; Wichitaksorn, Nuttanan ; Zhang, WenJun |
Published in: |
Journal of forecasting. - New York, NY : Wiley Interscience, ISSN 1099-131X, ZDB-ID 2001645-1. - Vol. 42.2023, 8, p. 2011-2026
Subject: | electricity price forecasting | extreme value theory | generalized Pareto distribution | Markov regime-switching model | New Zealand electricity market | Neuseeland | New Zealand | Strompreis | Electricity price | Prognoseverfahren | Forecasting model | Markov-Kette | Markov chain | Elektrizitätswirtschaft | Electric power industry | Ausreißer | Outliers |
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