Are overconfident CEOs better able to transform innovation into firm value? : evidence from the United States
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Authors: | Eom, Mike Taein ; Jung, Mookwon ; Park, Jung Chul |
Published in: |
International finance : the only journal bridging the gap between theory and policy in macroeconomics and microfinance. - Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, ISSN 1468-2362, ZDB-ID 2024919-6. - Vol. 26.2023, 2, p. 241-258
Subject: | CEO overconfidence | firm value | innovation | USA | United States | Führungskräfte | Managers | Unternehmenswert | Firm value | Innovation | Unternehmenserfolg | Firm performance | Vertrauen | Confidence | Innovationsmanagement | Innovation management |
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