Bălgarski tărgovski kolonii v Transilvanija prez XVIII vek : (kăm istorijata na razselvaneto na bălgarskija narod prez vreme na Osmanskoto vladičestvo)
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Telbizov, Karol |
Institutions: | Institut za istorija <Sofia> (contributor) |
Publisher: |
Sofija : Izd. na Bălg. Akad. na Nauk. |
Subject: | Siebenbürgen | Transylvania | Flüchtlinge | Refugees | Bulgaren | Bulgarians | Wirtschaftsgeschichte | Economic history | Österreich-Ungarn | Austria-Hungary | Geschichtswissenschaft | Historical studies | Händler | Geschichte 1700-1878 | 1700-1800 |
Pascu, Ştefan, (1982)
The making of the unitary Romanian national state economic premises
Axenciuc, Victor, (1989)
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Klajner, Blazius, (1977)
Telbizov, Karol, (1958)
Telbizov, Karol, (1946)
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