Bayesian Inference in a Cointegrating Panel Data Model
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Koop, Gary ; Leon-Gonzalez, Roberto ; Strachan, Rodney |
Institutions: | Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (RCEA) |
Subject: | Bayesian | panel data cointegration | error correction model | reduced rank regression | Markov Chain Monte Carlo |
Bayesian Inference in a Cointegrating Panel Data Model
Strachan, Rodney, (2006)
Bayesian inference in a time varying cointegration model
Koop, Gary, (2011)
Bayesian Inference in the Time Varying Cointegration Model
Koop, Gary, (2008)
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Bayesian Model Averaging in the Instrumental Variable Regression Model
Koop, Gary, (2011)
Jochmann, Markus, (2009)
Dynamic probabilities of restrictions in state space models: An application to the Phillips curve
Koop, Gary, (2008)
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