Bayesian modeling of health state preferences : could borrowing strength from existing countries' valuations produce better estimates
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Kharroubi, Samer A. ; Beyh, Yara |
Published in: |
The European journal of health economics. - Berlin : Springer, ISSN 1618-7601, ZDB-ID 2011428-X. - Vol. 22.2021, 5, p. 773-788
Subject: | Nonparametric Bayesian methods | Standard gamble | SF-6D | Preference-based health measures | QALYs | Gesundheit | Health | Bayes-Statistik | Bayesian inference | Gesundheitsökonomik | Health economics | Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse | Willingness to pay | Präferenztheorie | Theory of preferences | Messung | Measurement |
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