Buyback contracts with price-dependent demands : effects of demand uncertainty
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Zhao, Yingxue ; Choi, Tsan-Ming ; Cheng, T. C. E. ; Sethi, Suresh P. ; Wang, Shouyang |
Published in: |
European journal of operational research : EJOR. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, ISSN 0377-2217, ZDB-ID 243003-4. - Vol. 239.2014, 3 (16.12.), p. 663-673
Subject: | Supply chain management | Buyback contract | Structural property | Stochastic price-dependent demand | Demand uncertainty level | Lieferkette | Supply chain | Nachfrage | Demand | Vertrag | Contract | Risiko | Risk | Vertragstheorie | Contract theory |
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