Calibration of rating grades to point-in-time and through-the-cycle levels of probability of default
Mark Rubtsov
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Rubtsov, Mark |
Published in: |
The journal of risk model validation. - London : Infopro Digital, ISSN 1753-9579, ZDB-ID 2316764-6. - Vol. 15.2021, 4, p. 51-74
Subject: | point-in-time and through-the-cycle probability of default | model calibration | asymptotic single risk factor model | maximum likelihood | rating migration | Kreditrisiko | Credit risk | Theorie | Theory | Modellierung | Scientific modelling | Kreditwürdigkeit | Credit rating | Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung | Probability theory | Basler Akkord | Basel Accord | Schätzung | Estimation |
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