Can bureaucrats really be paid like Ceos? : substitution between incentives and resources among school administrators in China
Renfu Luo, Grant Miller, Scott Rozelle, Sean Sylvia, Marcos Vera-Hernández
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Authors: | Renfu, Luo ; Miller, Grant ; Rozelle, Scott ; Sylvia, Sean ; Vera-Hernández, Marcos |
Published in: |
Journal of the European Economic Association : JEEA. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, ISSN 1542-4774, ZDB-ID 2118178-0. - Vol. 18.2020, 1, p. 165-201
Subject: | Schule | School | Führungskräfte | Managers | Leistungsentgelt | Performance pay | Schüler | Pupils | Krankheit | Disease | China | 2011-2012 |
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