Chance-constrained programming models and approximations for general stochastic bottleneck spanning tree problems
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Shen, Siqian ; Kurt, Murat ; Wang, Jue |
Published in: |
INFORMS journal on computing : JOC. - Catonsville, MD : INFORMS, ISSN 1091-9856, ZDB-ID 1316077-1. - Vol. 27.2015, 2, p. 301-316
Subject: | stochastic bottleneck spanning tree | chance-constrained programming | special ordered sets | bisection algorithm | NP-complete | Mathematische Optimierung | Mathematical programming | Engpass | Bottleneck | Algorithmus | Algorithm | Graphentheorie | Graph theory | Stochastischer Prozess | Stochastic process |
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