Claims frequency modeling using telematics car driving data
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Gao, Guangyuan ; Meng, Shengwang ; Wüthrich, Mario V. |
Published in: |
Scandinavian actuarial journal. - Stockholm : Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1651-2030, ZDB-ID 2029609-5. - Vol. 2019.2019, 2, p. 143-162
Subject: | autoencoder | bottleneck neural network | car insurance pricing | claims frequency modeling | generalized additive model | K-means algorithm | Kullback-Leibler divergence | pattern recognition | principal components analysis | Telematics data | v-a heatmap | Theorie | Theory | Algorithmus | Algorithm | Neuronale Netze | Neural networks | Kraftfahrzeug | Motor vehicle | Kfz-Versicherung | Automobile insurance | Engpass | Bottleneck |
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