Classification of flash crashes using the Hawkes(p,q) framework
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Wehrli, Alexander ; Sornette, Didier |
Published in: |
Quantitative finance. - London : Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1469-7696, ZDB-ID 2027557-2. - Vol. 22.2022, 2, p. 213-240
Subject: | ARMA point process | EM algorithm | Flash crash | Hawkes process | High frequency financial data | Market microstructure | Time-varying parameters | Finanzmarkt | Financial market | Marktmikrostruktur | Finanzkrise | Financial crisis | Börsenkurs | Share price | Zeitreihenanalyse | Time series analysis | Volatilität | Volatility | Wertpapierhandel | Securities trading | Elektronisches Handelssystem | Electronic trading | Theorie | Theory | Algorithmus | Algorithm | Stochastischer Prozess | Stochastic process |
Classification of flash crashes using the Hawkes(p,q) framework
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Classification of flash crashes using the Hawkes(p,q) framework
Wehrli, Alexander, (2020)
Wehrli, Alexander, (2021)
Scale-, time- and asset-dependence of Hawkes process estimates on high frequency price changes
Wehrli, Alexander, (2021)
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